Hospital Teleradiology Services

HospitalHospital Teleradiology Services

All-American Teleradiology has created a unique peer-to-peer business model to keep hospital-based radiology groups in control of their contracts, and allows multiple radiology practices to rely upon each other for coverage.

All-American Teleradiology brings together hospital-based radiologists who desire additional night time/weekend readings or have available daytime or subspecialty capacity with radiology groups that need this type of coverage.


Hospital Teleradiology Coverage:

  • Nighthawk / ER
  • Vacation and Locums
  • Telemammography
  • Subspecialty

Our hospital radiology coverage offering is accomplished through advanced technical workflow, thorough physician recruitment, stringent quality assurance and personalized, professional client service. All-American Teleradiology handles all of the business development, schedule management, credentialing, client support, and workflow and system infrastructure.

Many of the large radiology groups that hired night time/ER radiologists to cover weekends and nights in an effort to cut costs by reducing nighthawk teleradiology fees now have radiologists with excess capacity to read. We can optimize this capacity across local and regional markets.

Additionally our model eliminates predatory and competitive tactics practiced by some teleradiology vendors, for example, those that have moved into on-site hospital coverage models that directly compete with local radiology groups in an effort to increase profitability.

All-American Teleradiology will find the coverage needed, and available reading capacities and then create a schedule utilizing existing radiologists based on their area of specialization, availability and licensure. This peer-to-peer model for radiology readings and shared technology infrastructure can help optimize capacity, and reduce costs.